Presidential Commission of the Russian Federation to Counter Attempts to Falsify History to the Detriment of Russia's Interests

Presidential Commission of the Russian Federation to Counter Attempts to Falsify History to the Detriment of Russia's Interests (Russian: комиссия при президенте Российской Федерации по противодействию попыткам фальсификации истории в ущерб интересам России), was set up by a decree issued by Dmitry Medvedev, president of Russian Federation on 15 May 2009,[1] officially to "defend Russia against falsifiers of history and those who would deny Soviet contribution to the victory in World War II".[2] The commission is headed by Medvedev's chief of staff Sergey Naryshkin and staffed by current and former State Duma members, such as Natalia Narochnitskaya, Sergey Markov and Konstantin Zatulin, and officials of Russia's armed forces and FSB, including General of the Army Nikolay Makarov. Among the 28 members are 5 professional historians: Andrey Artizov (the head of the Federal Archive Agency),[3] Alexander Chubaryan (the head of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences)[4] Natalia Narochnitskaya, Andrey Sakharov (before 2010 the head of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and Nikolai Svanidze.



Concerns had been raised in Russia for some time regarding the efforts in some former Soviet countries to "revise" the outcome of the Nuremberg Trials[5] and "re-write" the history of World War II, before the suggestion of the federal Minister of Emergency Situations, Sergey Shoygu, finally raised the issue to that of a state political matter in February 2009. Shoygu expressed the need for new legislative measures, similar to those banning Holocaust denial in various European countries, in order to "protect our history, and the heroic deeds of our fathers and grandfathers" in World War II, although Shoygu did not at the time suggest how this should be done.[6]

Already prior to this, however, State Duma member Konstantin Zatulin, had been assigned the task on 11 December 2008 of drafting a bill "On Counteracting the Rehabilitation of Nazism, Nazi Criminals and Their Accomplices in New Independent States on the Territory of the Former USSR".[7]

The tasks of the Commission

According to Commission chairman Sergey Naryshkin, the tasks of the Commission will not be to "re-write" or "politicise" history in the manner of countries like Latvia and Lithuania. Instead, the Commission will analyse falsifications of historical facts aimed at tarnishing Russia's international reputation, and advise the Russian President on the ways in which such falsifications can be countered. It is foreseen that the Commission will meet at least twice per year.[8]

Related legislation

In conjunction with the creation of the Commission, the Kremlin is drafting legislation that may criminalize criticism of the Soviet Union's role in the World War II, claiming criticism of the Soviet victory amounts to "rehabilitation of Nazism".[9][10] The laws could see people fined, or even imprisoned for up to five years, for deviating from the official history. Foreign countries whose officials who the commission rules to be guilty of the new crimes will face sanction as well. The bill gives Russia the authority to expel ambassadors or sever diplomatic relations with offending nations and to impose full transport and communications blockades on them.[11]


In Russia

Supporters of the Commission hope that it will become involved in some of the long-standing conflicts between Russia and its neighbours over the interpretation of history, such as in Latvia's ongoing legal proceedings against former Soviet partisan Vassili Kononov for alleged war crimes.[12] In an interview with the website, historian Alexander Dyukov has said that "only those who falsify history need fear the work of the Commission".[13] Controversial author Yury Mukhin welcomed the creation of the commission.[14]

Russian opposition politicians attacked the commission as effectively reintroducing state ideology for the first time since the fall of the Soviet Union, which is explicitly forbidden by the Constitution of Russia. According to former Duma deputy, Vladimir Ryzhkov (Russian Republican Party), the Commission and new legislation criminalizing criticism of the Soviet Union allows the state to impose its own idea of political will and ideology and was also part of a continuing rehabilitation of Stalin and the former Soviet dictator's policies.[15] Human rights activist and former lawmaker Lev Ponomaryov dubbed the decree openly totalitarian and claimed that it discredited President Medvedev as a lawyer.[14] Mikhail Gorbachev has also expressed disapproval of Medvedev's decree.[16]

Some Russian media and individual opposition journalists have also criticised the developments. The business daily Vedomosti noted the name of the Commission leaves the way clear for the falsification of history in favor of Russia, establishing a "cult of victory" — similar to the civil religions upon which authoritarian and totalitarian states have been built in the past.[17][18] Journalist and author Yulia Latynina compared the Commission to George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four: "The whole idea was copied from Orwell's '1984' and from the famous phrase about Russia as a country with unpredictable past."[19] According to the newspaper Vremya Novostei, the struggle over historical truth in Russia declared at the highest level has taken grotesque form as an article by historian Sergey Kovalyov published on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defence blamed Poland for starting World War II.[20]

Historian Roy Medvedev has criticized the commission for the numbers of professional historians there; he counted three members as historians out of actual five, stating "even they are not recognized among professionals." [21][22]

Outside Russia

The legislation has received criticism in many countries, mainly former Warsaw Pact and Soviet republics. The Baltic states argue about the recognition of the occupation, Ukraine disputes the famine in 1930s, and Poland argues the massacre in Katyn. Critics say the official view from Moscow glosses over Soviet-era crimes. In many countries the years of the Soviet Union are seen as a hostile occupation.[9][15]

Some critics, like Heorhiy Kasyanov from Ukraine's National Academy of Sciences, say the Kremlin is trying to whitewash Soviet history in order to justify its denial of human rights: "It's part of the Russian Federation's policy to create an ideological foundation for what is happening in Russia right now."[23]

Historian and author Orlando Figes, a professor at the University of London, who views the new commission is part of a clampdown on historical scholarship, stated: "They're idiots if they think they can change the discussion of Soviet history internationally, but they can make it hard for Russian historians to teach and publish. It's like we're back to the old days."[9]

Professor Steven Blank of the U.S. Army War College finds the formation of the commission to be a further regress toward Soviet and Stalinist practices, glorifying Soviet empire and its crimes.[24]

The new law could also be used to bar historians who discuss war crimes by the Red Army or point out that Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were once allies under the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.[15][25]

The Economist finds the commission and the law to be a demand "that other countries abandon complexity and fit their history into the Soviet straitjacket" and notes that although it was hard to explain Stalin's crimes convincingly during Soviet era, the same work for Russian propagandists is even harder.[25]

Kremlin responses to critics

According to Kremlin, the History Commission is needed as there are increasingly aggressive attempts to rewrite history to Russia's disadvantage. Sergei Markov, a pro-Kremlin lawmaker and member of the new commission, said the new body wouldn't throw people in jail or blacklist historians whose analyses it disagrees with. Its priority, he said, was to challenge what he said were distorted interpretations of the Soviet Union's role in World War II.

On 3 July 2009, Russia's delegation at the OSCE’s annual parliamentary meeting stormed out after a resolution was passed equating the roles of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union in starting World War II, drafted by a delegate from the host nation and former Soviet republic Lithuania. The resolution called for a day of remembrance for victims of both Stalinism and Nazism to be marked every August 23, the date in 1939 when Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact dividing parts of Central and Eastern Europe between their spheres of influence. Konstantin Kosachyov, head of the foreign relations committee of Russia's lower house of parliament called the resolution "nothing but an attempt to re-write the history of World War Two". Alexander Kozlovsky, the head of the Russian delegation, called the resolution an "insulting anti-Russian attack" and added that "Those who place Nazism and Stalinism on the same level forget that it is the Stalin-era Soviet Union that made the biggest sacrifices and the biggest contribution to liberating Europe from fascism."[26][27]

Nezavisimaya Gazeta published the responses of historian Natalia Narochnitskaya, who said: "they try to convince us that it was not we who won the Great Patriotic War, that it was Americans." Regarding attempts at equating the Communism imposed on Eastern Europe with Nazism, she noted that "agrarian peoples: Czechs, Poles, Romanians, Hungarians left us with violins, professors, academicians, cinematographers, whereas Hitler planned for them fates of pig herders and janitors.[28]


and others

See also


  1. ^ "Медведев создал комиссию при президенте РФ по противодействию попыткам фальсификации истории в ущерб интересам России" (in Russian). Interfax. 19 May 2009. Retrieved 24 May 2009. 
  2. ^ УКАЗ Президента РФ от 15.05.2009 N 549 (Russian)
  3. ^ Artizov biography at (Russian)
  4. ^ Chubaryan biography at (Russian)
  5. ^ E.g.: Russian Federation, Permanent Mission to the UN. "Involvement of the Lettish SS Legion in War Crimes in 1941–1945 and the Attempts to Revise the Verdict of the Nuremberg Tribunal in Latvia". United Nations website. Retrieved 2 December 2005.  Also: Russian Federation, Permanent Mission to the UN. "Involvement of the Estonian SS Legion in War Crimes in 1941–1945 and the Attempts to Revise the Verdict of the Nuremberg Tribunal in Estonia". United Nations website. Retrieved 23 June 2009. 
  6. ^ "An anti-denial law of our own". Russia Today. 24 February 2009. Retrieved 24 May 2009. 
  7. ^ "В России могут учредить Антифашистскую палату" (in Russian). REGNUM-Baltika. 17 March 2009. Retrieved 18 June 2009. 
  8. ^ "Комиссия против фальсификации истории обещает не переписывать книги и не учить ученых" (in Russian). NEWSru. 17 June 2009. Retrieved 18 June 2009. 
  9. ^ a b c Osborn, Andrew (20 May 2009). "Medvedev Creates History Commission". The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved 24 May 2009. 
  10. ^ Wendle, John (8 May 2009). "Russia Moves to Ban Criticism of WWII Win". Time.,8599,1896927,00.html. Retrieved 6 June 2009. 
  11. ^ Abdullaev, Nabi (20 May 2009). "Commission to Guard Against False History". The Moscow Times. Retrieved 24 May 2009. 
  12. ^ "Кремлевская комиссия займется делом Кононова" (in Russian). 20 May 2009. Retrieved 24 May 2009. 
  13. ^ Данилов, Вячеслав. "Тема: Александр Дюков: Бояться деятельности Комиссии по борьбе с фальсификацией истории могут только те, кто эту историю фальсифицируют" (in Russian). Retrieved 24 May 2009. 
  14. ^ a b "ИА Собкор®ru | Новости | Медведев создал комиссию по борьбе с искажением истории". 2009-05-19. Retrieved 2010-08-27. 
  15. ^ a b c Blomfield, Adrian (19 May 2009). "Russia threatens to bar Europeans who deny Red Army 'liberated' them". The Daily Telegraph (London). Retrieved 24 May 2009. 
  16. ^ PTI (22 May 2009). "Gorbachev blasts Kremlin 'managed' democracy in Russia". Daily News and Analysis. Retrieved 6 June 2009. 
  17. ^ "От редакции: Наша борьба" (in Russian). Vedomosti. 20 May 2009. Retrieved 24 May 2009. 
  18. ^ "Rosyjska prasa o "komisji Miedwiediewa"" (in Polish). Rzeczpospolita. 20 May 2009.,308222_Rosyjska_prasa_o__komisji_Miedwiediewa_.html. Retrieved 24 May 2009. 
  19. ^ Gutterman, Steve (19 May 2009). "Russian commission to guard against false history". The Washington Post. Retrieved 1 June 2009. 
  20. ^ Сухов, Иван (4 June2009). "«Ради исторической правды»: На сайте Минобороны Польшу обвинили в начале второй мировой войны" (in Russian). Vremya Novostei. Retrieved 6 June 2009.  Kovalyov's article has since been removed from the Ministry's website, but the text is still available via Google's cached HTML version: [1] (as of 8 June 2009).
  21. ^ "История все стерпит?" (in Russian). Kommersant. 20 May 2009. Retrieved 7 June 2009. "Там всего лишь три историка, да и то не имеющих авторитета среди профессионалов." 
  22. ^ Felgenhauer, Pavel (21 May 2009). "Medvedev Forms a Commission to Protect Russian History". Eurasia Daily Monitor. The Jamestown Foundation. Retrieved 1 June 2009. 
  23. ^ "Russia panel to 'protect history'". BBC News. 19 May 2009. Retrieved 24 May 2009. 
  24. ^ Frolov, Vladimir (29 May 2009). "Russia Profile Weekly Experts Panel: Russia's Historical Truth Commission". Russia Profile.'%20Panel&articleid=a1243619983. Retrieved 2 June 2009. 
  25. ^ a b "Magistra vitae?". The Economist. 28 May 2009. Retrieved 3 June 2009. 
  26. ^ "OSCE Equates Stalinism to Nazism | News". The Moscow Times. 2009-07-06. Retrieved 2010-08-27. 
  27. ^ Russia scolds OSCE for equating Hitler and Stalin Retrieved on July 25, 2009
  28. ^ "Rosyjska prasa o "komisji Miedwiediewa"" (in Polish). Rzeczpospolita. 20 May 2009.,308222_Rosyjska_prasa_o__komisji_Miedwiediewa_.html. Retrieved 24 May 2009.  (Polish)
  29. ^ Umland, Andreas (29 May 2009). "Fascist Tendencies in Russia's Political Establishment... The Rise of the International Eurasian Movement". History News Network. Retrieved 7 June 2009. 

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